GMOs Will Destroy the Entire Planet, Says Nassim Taleb

Don’t be so quick to dismiss Taleb’s prediction as just another political “conspiracy theory,” as so many naysayers have done on climate change, despite the heavy weight of scientific evidence to the contrary. Nassim Taleb, a renowned New York University (NYU) professor recently raised eyebrows when he said genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have the potential to cause […]

GMO – Your Right to Know

Less chemistry, more biology Notice the six most hated corporations on the face of the planet on the upper left of the info graphic below, the dwindling number of companies below them that still think GMOs are fine, and the growing number of companies on the right that know GMOs are deadly to all life […]

Farewell to the Bees and Other Pollinators

When I was little, we used to drive through the San Joaquin Valley in California where cotton and alfalfa and almonds grew abundantly. At the end of our trips, there was always a thick layer of insects on the front of the car and windshield. Now you can drive across America and maybe one or […]

Those Pesky Indicators of Ecological Collapse

We tweet and blog and share all this, but the latest fashion and sport and entertainment news is always so much more appealing… Mass Extinction Nearly fifty percent of all species are disappearing.7 1 in 3 mammal species, 1 in 8 bird species8, and 1 in 3 amphibian species are being threatened with extinction. Just two […]

Crowd-Sourced Study to Go Head to Head with Big Pharma.

 BEFORE THE BEES ARE GONE Found on Avaaz: People-powered politics to decision-making worldwide Right now, billions of bees are dying. Already, there are nowhere near enough honeybees in Europe to pollinate the crops, and in California — the biggest food producer in the US — beekeepers are losing 40% of their bees each year.  We’re in […]

If You Don’t Grow GMO, You’re an “Enemy of the State”

WTF? Yup. Read about it here. The Department of Defense calls people who grow their own food ‘radical’ and extremists. Those who would decide to make the world a better place, who grow some organic cabbage, non-GMO corn, and tomatoes would be considered a threat to national defense (i.e., the corporate conservative viewpoint), according to a new training […]

David Maisel’s Astonishing Black Maps

American Landscape and the Apocalyptic Sublime is a must see series of aerial photographs for anyone who has only imagined the devastation that multinational corporations has wreaked on our planet. Here are some lurid, heartbreaking visuals you’ll never see on your news channel. Black Maps is the first in-depth survey of the major aerial projects […]