Environmental Chapter for Secret TPP Treaty

Wikileaks released this yesterday (.pdf) 200021359-Environment-Chapter-of-Secret-Trans-Pacific-Partnership-Draft When compared against other TPP chapters, the Environment Chapter is noteworthy for its absence of mandated clauses or meaningful enforcement measures. The dispute settlement mechanisms it creates are cooperative instead of binding; there are no required penalties and no proposed criminal sanctions. With the exception of fisheries, trade in […]

Poem on the Great Vanishing

Against Certainty Jane Hirschfield There is something out in the dark that wants to correct us. Each time I think “this,” it answers “that.” Answers hard, in the heart-grammar’s strictness. If I then say “that,” it too is taken away. Between certainty and the real, an ancient enmity. When the cat waits in the path-hedge, […]

We All Live on Easter Island Now

In just a few centuries, the people of Easter Island wiped out their forest, drove their plants and animals to extinction, and saw their complex society spiral into chaos and cannibalism. Are we about to follow their lead? Jared Diamond (read his entire article as published in Discovery, August 1995)