Soaring Tuitions Mean Soaring Student Debts Mean More Defaults

As we all know, US student loan debt has surpassed credit card debt. The huge elephant in the room, like mortgage debt, is how to gouge for profit with predatory lending (historically called “usury”), not how to improve the lives of newly-minted graduate citizens or improve the problem-solving abilities of a nation (and a world) in peril. It’s a punitive system and it’s clearly broken. Student loans should create opportunities for graduates, not cripple them for life.

ACS – A Predatory Student Loan Servicer

Are you (or do you know someone who is) one of the unfortunate students forced to deal with ACS (Affiliated Computer Services, a Xerox company with unfair business practices) in paying back your FFEL student loan? Well, if so, too bad for you. There is no dispute resolution offered for students who find this company a nightmare to work with. It’s not just me saying that ACS is a toxic liability for students who are already saddled with exorbitant tuition in a mostly down job market. Please use as many social media sites as possible to spread the word about ACS.