Obama to Approve GMO Salmon – What’s Next on Your Plate?

Consider the facts: In the span of the past 12 months, voters in two states (California and Washington) will have gone to the polls to win something so basic as the right to know what’s in their food. During this time, the world’s largest chemical pesticide companies and giant food corporations have spent a combined […]

Fighting for Our Lives: We MUST Regain Our Food Democracy

Monsanto and more than 600 other multinational corporations and industry front groups are working hand in glove with the Obama administration to draft secret global trade agreements that will undermine the democratic rule of law and place our legal protections in the hands of shady corporate lobbyists. Even worse, a biotech and pesticide industry lobbyist that once represented […]

Stop Supporting Evil (Monsanto ☠☠☠)

Did you know that between 75% to 80% of the processed food you consume every day has GMOs inside, and residues of Monsanto’s RoundUp herbicide outside? But more and more non-processed foods are also showing up GMO in the markets (even at Whole Foods, which sold out to Monsanto in 2011).